To fully understand why I’m at this point, I should elaborate the past which has lead to this unforeseen future.
From a very young age, I had maternal instincts. My form 2 teacher believed I’d make a great teacher one day. While at the time I found that highly embarrassing to receive from a teacher I didn’t overly look up to, his profession had the ability to pick up traits and passions I was too young to see in myself. Developing my skill set through high school, I reached the conclusion in fact yes, my most desired career would be in childcare. Any age for that matter, kindergarten or high school, but teaching and developing the future generations. Funnily enough that is still my dream job to this day however I feel it will not take affect for many years.
In truth I’ve never been certain of the future. Wandering through life, winging it in a way, I just took the mindset of ‘we’ll see what happens’. I had been through too much constant change to ever see anything set in stone for myself. The only thing I KNEW my future must hold was children.
I believe my purpose in life is to be a mother.